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E=mc2 is a Proof for the Existence of God

E = mc2 directly expresses how physical matter cannot be separated from light, perhaps more easily seen if the equation is rearranged as m = E/c2 – which is what a careful analysis of the brain confirms. That is, the mass of the brain and body are dependent upon an accelerating tendency toward infinity and […]

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The Connection Between Salvation and Photons

If sin had no consequences, Jesus would be completely unnecessary in the historical scheme of things. And the Golden Rule would do just fine. It is then logical that apart from being “clothed with the righteous­ness of God” (by faith in Jesus) we will be “cast into outer darkness.”[1] God is light according to the Bible — […]

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Consciousness is Fundamentally Sexual

If procreation were to cease the human race wouldn’t be around very long – in fact, it would die off after one generation. Is it therefore all that surprising to find that much if not all of our conscious existence has a strong sexual orientation? But exactly what does this mean? Why are we aroused […]

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Proof that God Exists

The very nature of God has been encoded within the brain, this being the only way to explain how we consciously see a finite image against the infinitude of our own potential nonexistence – not by the requirement of some esoteric religion but by scientific necessity and the need to explain the energy transfer that […]

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God is Inseparable from the Laws of Physics

Atheists and other unbelievers say that Biblical absolutism is arrogant despite the fact that its definition of God best accommodates the laws of physics and their ultimate dependence upon the regressive, photon-mediated channeling of energy toward an anticipated result. It is therefore most reasonable to acknowledge that transcendent Mind precedes the creation of energy and […]

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Why Science and Religion are Inseparable

Wherever matter is found, anticipation is found — insofar as in a God-centered universe anticipation is identical with an oppositional vector toward and away from weightless nonexistence. Anything less falls short of explaining how energy is released and channeled into creating and maintaining the specificity that constitutes matter – and cannot explain how sentience in […]

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Neural Design Proves the Existence of God

The brain is required for consciousness – a fact which, once you understand the mechanism by which mind is connected to matter, unequivocally proves the existence of God. With no arrogance intended, I believe the concept presented here is so new and so substantially different from any mechanism previously proposed that by grasping the rudimentary […]

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics Proves the Existence of God

Before this proof can be appreciated, one must see the necessity for a mechanism which reins in the effects of the Second Law, for otherwise matter could not be created or sustained in any form. Nothing would exist. What is this mechanism? It is, as you will see, consciousness itself or, more precisely, the seeing-of-an-image. […]

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How the Relationship Between the Finite and the Infinite Proves the Existence of God

In attempting to explain the origin and meaning of consciousness I have been led slowly but surely to the most fundamental dichotomy of them all – existence and nonexistence – to discover by a meticulous analysis of the brain that consciousness is the image-based reality which (who) oversees the interface between the two. As explained […]

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Consciousness Requires Genitalia

Are genitals but a logical product of evolution, necessary for species perpetuation? The answer from a deeper analysis of the brain, most notably the way these procreative organs are connected to the visual system, is a resounding “no.” By understanding how the visual system is connected with centers responsible for sustaining order, temperature and mass, we […]

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