In attempting to explain consciousness we need first to agree on exactly what it is we’re trying to explain. For me, the bottom line is the presence of an image, seemingly “out there” yet also “in here” as the introspective aspect of our bubble of self, with this duality suggesting a fundamental two-sidedness to reality […]
I, Why?
Needless to say, every person is important to him or herself. There is just something extraordinarily sacred and private about each and every “I” – that sentient center which looks out upon the world and sees and interacts with other “I”s – without ever being able to get inside their mind and see the world […]
Is Jesus Really God in the Flesh?
Most unbelievers consider that Jesus was merely a mortal man. But according to the Bible Jesus was much, much more than that; he was literally divine: God in the flesh – through whom everything that exists was made.[1] The Bible also teaches that Jesus is the “exact representation” of the Father – and that he […]
Why the Universe is Based on Faith
Note that the Second Law depends upon an opposition of tendencies — toward and away from increasing disorder. It points one way, but if the capacity to restrain this law did not exist the law would be meaningless — because without this restraint nothing would exist. As analyzed in other posts, we can see that […]
How the Finite and the Infinite are Causally Linked
What exactly is the finite realm? It is anything limited or made out of matter – which by definition has an edge or is otherwise limited. What is the infinite? It is the opposite, not a thing – weightless and without boundary. And it is upon this contrast with the finite that the design of […]
Could Dark Energy Be God?
Most of the Universe is either dark energy or dark matter. The reason such energy might in some sense be God is based on the Biblical teaching that God is invisible and yet holds everything together.[1] Just as we alone can experience our personal bubble of awareness, God is the invisible reality that only he […]
An Image Proves the Existence of God
Every image requires an observer. And, given the way eye movement scans the world in front of us, requiring both space and time, an image and spacetime are inseparably bound! It is therefore beginning to look as though spacetime must also depend upon a transcendent observer and therefore God. Indeed, an analysis of the way […]
Why Consciousness Cannot be Explained Apart from a Biblically-Defined God
We can narrow in on what consciousness appears to be from an introspective perspective. It is bubble-like with a finite central image surrounded by peripheral awareness of the body as a whole – all merged with the feeling that comes from deep within and which creates an overall sense of energy sufficiency. With enjoyable feelings, […]
The Design of the Brain Proves the Existence of God
The brain is required for consciousness – a fact which, once you understand the mechanism by which mind is connected to matter, unequivocally proves the existence of God. With no arrogance intended, I believe the concept presented here is so new and so substantially different from any mechanism previously proposed that by grasping the rudimentary […]
How Consciousness Arises in a Universe of Matter
Have you ever wondered how consciousness arose in a universe of matter? You may in fact have stumbled upon the only place where you can find the true solution to this ancient mystery. Arrogance? I don’t think so. In over fifty years of analyzing this problem I have discovered a nugget of gold. I have […]
- THE BIG PICTURE August 31, 2017
- Evil – Flesh or Spirit? January 8, 2016
- What is a Demon? December 18, 2015
- God, Brain and Demons June 8, 2015
- The True Cause of Gender Confusion, Bisexuality, Homosexuality and Transgenderism June 2, 2015
- THE BIG PICTURE August 31, 2017
- Does God Exist? February 19, 2012
- God is Light March 17, 2012
- Qualia Explained March 18, 2012
- Consciousness Explained March 20, 2012
The Book
The Author
With 50 years devoted to the conceptual integration of medicine, neuroscience, psychology, physics and theology, Glenn Dudley is uniquely qualified to resolve the historical paradox of mind and body. This mystery has been his consuming passion since he entered medical school in 1959. Little did he realize that this early interest would lead to a logical, evidence-based solution to the "hard question" of science: how elementary stimuli (qualia) become conscious.