E = mc2 directly expresses how physical matter cannot be separated from light, perhaps more easily seen if the equation is rearranged as m = E/c2 – which is what a careful analysis of the brain confirms. That is, the mass of the brain and body are dependent upon an accelerating tendency toward infinity and the light of self which this tendency regressively produces, light which is inseparable from God – biblically defined as light.
One’s awareness field or “bubble” is meaningless apart from some illuminating source. In other words, consciousness is a type of light. Even a totally blind person whose visual input from the outside world is zero experiences his or her self-illumination – the “light of self.” Can it be coincidental that both photons and consciousness have an oscillatory nature? Consciousness is in fact a rapidly oscillating probabilistic vector toward and away from infinity. An image represents the success of thwarting infinity and/or weightless nonexistence — explaining why in the eyes of secular science the limbic brain, reciprocally connected with the visual system, centers around weight and temperature regulation.
These insights point to consciousness being, when all is said and done, the God in whom according to the Bible we live and move. However, E = mc2 is an accurate expression of reality only if God, not matter, is fundamental – the transcendent observer of all that exists. As noted in other posts (and in my books) consciousness, meaningless apart from an image, is the means by which the effects of the Second Law at work within the brain are contained and energy is conserved within the body mass as a whole.
For a more complete analysis visit my Homepage and consider purchasing my recently published book: Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain. It’s a fun read!
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