Is Jesus Really God in the Flesh?

Most unbelievers consider that Jesus was merely a mortal man. But according to the Bible Jesus was much, much more than that; he was literally divine: God in the flesh – through whom everything that exists was made.[1] The Bible also teaches that Jesus is the “exact representation” of the Father – and that he (Jesus) “sustains all things by his powerful word.”[2]

A careful analysis of the brain reveals that we, like Jesus, have been created in the image of God – this being the only way to explain how energy is released and channeled into creating an anticipated state which we experience as an image. If we have in fact been created in His image, there must be a spiritual analog to our human genitalia. (See the posting “Consciousness Requires Genitalia” for a deeper analysis of this bodacious claim.) Upon realizing that apart from procreation we would not survive as a species, it becomes apparent that as analyzed in my books, Jesus is indeed the exact representation of God the Father, and that every image is in effect a mini-orgasm, a foretelling of procreative success. Proof is found in the way genital sensation streams into the brain and merges with sensation impacting the retinas — just prior to a final vector stimulating the brain’s midline orgasmic nuclei.

The Bible refers to the God in the plural: “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness”[3] — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Whatever the name of the Son, we could not have been created “in the image of God” if the nature of God did not have a spiritual parallel in our human nature – mind, body and spirit. For Bible believers, “Jesus” will do just fine.

My books are described on my Homepage (click on the tab at the top of this page) and are available through Amazon and other outlets.


1.  Colossians 1:16.

2.  Hebrews 1:3.

3.  Genesis 1:26.

About Glenn Dudley

GLENN DUDLEY became interested in the mind-body problem as a Pre-Med student at the University of Colorado where he emphasized studies in physics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1969. After a mixed Psychiatry/Medicine internship, he worked for two years at MIT's Neurosciences Research Program -- a think tank whose objective was that of understanding how the hard-wiring of the nervous system mediates thought and emotion. Then, he spent a year in the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School in Boston reviewing the world's literature on psychological and emotional predispositions to cancer. From 1975 to his retirement in 1998 he practiced primary care medicine.
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