Why the “Will” Requires God

There is no little bogeyman in the brain who has a brain of his own and who makes final decisions with regard to our behavior. Movement of one kind or another, creating words or otherwise, just happens. Sometimes we cogitate before making big decisions but typically we do or say things without thinking much about it. We simply will an action by anticipating it and unless we are paralyzed it happens in an instant of time! We nevertheless take pride in the consequences of our behavior and feel shame when things don’t go well. So what is the will and how does “it” move the body? It may surprise you to learn that whether you are a believe or an unbeliever all movement, all behavior depends upon the immanence of God. Or as the Bible puts it, “The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs our steps.”[1] The self, prior to a thought or action, does not say “I think I will do thus and so in the next instant of time” for, by then, it is already too late. With an uncanny automaticity, words and gestures are “deposited” into our awareness balloon. Allport referred to this bubble as our “life space.”[2] Sherrington referred to it as our “total sensual space.”[3]

Free will is a gift from God. Yet at a deeper level, These bubbles express an ongoing probabilistic relationship to the infinitude of nonexistence, a relationship that cannot physically impact the brain unless this relationship is encoded within our brains as a regressive tendency within its highly differentiated design — all explained in other posts, a collection of which, revised and amplified, is now a book, Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain explains the neuroanatomical basis for the “will” as an aspect of our total sensual space. And much more. It is available on the Homepage of this website. Journey to the Center of the Brain: Explaining Mind in a Universe of Matter, an earlier book, has a more in-depth analysis of brain anatomy, proving that consciousness is a relationship to the infinite.

1.  Proverbs 16:9

2.  Journey, 67

3.  Journey, 67

About Glenn Dudley

GLENN DUDLEY became interested in the mind-body problem as a Pre-Med student at the University of Colorado where he emphasized studies in physics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1969. After a mixed Psychiatry/Medicine internship, he worked for two years at MIT's Neurosciences Research Program -- a think tank whose objective was that of understanding how the hard-wiring of the nervous system mediates thought and emotion. Then, he spent a year in the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School in Boston reviewing the world's literature on psychological and emotional predispositions to cancer. From 1975 to his retirement in 1998 he practiced primary care medicine.
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