Nothing is unimaginable. And it is actually impossible, not only as evidenced by the fact we do exist but because a new and more comprehensive understanding of the brain shows that physical order is created and sustained by its anticipation — with the incipient moment before the actualization of a given anticipated state (experienced as an image) regressively releasing the energy needed for creating this state. There is no energy release and transfer into the movement needed apart from the anticipation of this movement in the form of an image. As other posts explain, every image — in a God-centered Universe — is an interface between order and disorder. Infinity and/or nonexistence is implicit to this disorder — against the possibility of which we see ourselves as contrastingly finite. In other words the relationship between the finite and the infinite, existence and nonexistence, is what consciousness is all about. And in order for this logic to hold, God — not matter — must be fundamental. “Anticipation” becomes envisioned as an opposition of tendencies toward and away from infinity.
Our personal nonexistence is theoretically possible insofar as in the momentary absence of an anticipated image, we tend regressively toward increasing disorder and, ultimately, “weightlessness.” And insofar as the Universe is God-centered, this tendency toward weightless nonexistence is but a return from whence we came, i.e., from God. Indeed, the thermodynamic design of the brain offers irrefutable proof for the existence of God – whose reality is the reason nonexistence is overcome. The centripetal flux of information from every nook and cranny of the body mass into the brain, and its merger with visual inputs in specialized heteromodal nuclei, proves beyond a reasonable doubt that an image is in fact the means by which we thwart our nonexistence and equivalently sustain the body mass – in the image of God.
To sum, nonexistence is impossible – insofar as a tendency toward such an end-result constitutes the event by which energy is released and channeled into the creation of finite form. A more immediate proof that nothingness is in fact impossible is that we do in fact exist and that therefore a creative mechanism always existed. And therefore God in whose image we have been made must also exist, this being the only logical way to explain how a tendency toward weightless nonexistence initiates the release and channeling of energy into the movement which creates an image, the perception of which contains the effects of the Second Law – in our brains and throughout the Universe.
These ideas are more fully explained in Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain — a collection of these blog postings, revised and amplified. See Homepage for more information on this and my other books one of which analyzes how every aspect of the human brain, every major brain center, every pathway, requires that we have been created in the image of God — this being the only way to explain how a regressive tendency toward infinity can contrastingly release the energy needed for the movement which creates or sustains an image, especially given that every image is fused with an awareness of the body as a whole — thus linking consciousness, mass and the transformation of energy into mass by the equation E = mc2. These books include an explanation for why this equation is meaningless apart from an image.
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