In the Image of God – Proof

Note that the visual system is reciprocally connected with the brain’s weight and thermoregulatory “limbic” core, underscoring how the seeing-of-an-image is the means by which a universal tendency toward increasing disorder (the Second Law) is contained — and, by implication nonexistence thwarted. This thwarting is a function of narrowing an expectancy gap between some current image and the specificity of an anticipated new image. And because every image is fused with an awareness of the body as a whole, there is a corresponding narrowing of a gap between one’s anticipated and actual body mass. A mouthful to be sure. Clarification comes by realizing that in the momentary absence of an anticipated state, the self and its body tend toward weightless nonexistence. In other words, in opposition to the successful creation and sustaining of a finite image, there is an accelerating regressive tendency toward weightlessness and nonexistence — accelerating in the sense that the more instants which go by before an image is actualized, there is an increasingly greater probability of a regressive demise. An image, thanks to its expectable and matchable finitude, indicates success at restraining this end result. Consciousness, then, is a probabilistic state relative to infinity — or, if you prefer, weightless, boundless nonexistence. This fluxing probability regressively drives the release and channeling of energy into the movement which creates or sustains an image — explaining why the limbic brain is anatomically adjacent to the motor system.

Only if we are created in the very image of God can a fluctuating anticipatory gap (or mismatch) given that this is the only strategy by which a tendency toward infinity can contrastingly and regressively release energy — as though the body mass were smaller and less organized than actual. This also means that only insofar as the very nature of God has been encoded within neural design can we answer the “hard question” of science: how sensation becomes conscious. Only if we “live and move and have our being in God,” as proclaimed by the Bible, can this historical enigma be resolved. The cortico-limbic design of the human brain, where the minimization of mismatch occurs, finally makes profound sense with respect to explaining consciousness as a function of infinity — in the image of God.

For those wanting a more complete analysis of the neuroanatomy underlying “infinity anticipation” — and the way this anticipation coincides with qualia streaming into the limbic brain from every nook and cranny of the body mass before their conversion into an image, I refer them to my earlier book: Journey to the Center of the Brain: Explaining Mind in a Universe of Matter. For those desiring an easier read, more of the philosophy and less of the anatomy, I recommend my recently published book: Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain. Both are available through Amazon, with a link being provided on my Homepage.


About Glenn Dudley

GLENN DUDLEY became interested in the mind-body problem as a Pre-Med student at the University of Colorado where he emphasized studies in physics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1969. After a mixed Psychiatry/Medicine internship, he worked for two years at MIT's Neurosciences Research Program -- a think tank whose objective was that of understanding how the hard-wiring of the nervous system mediates thought and emotion. Then, he spent a year in the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School in Boston reviewing the world's literature on psychological and emotional predispositions to cancer. From 1975 to his retirement in 1998 he practiced primary care medicine.
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