E=mc2 Requires an Image

The design of the brain proves that consciousness requires a biblically-defined God – invisible, transcendent and personal. The gist of the argument is that one’s bubble of awareness becomes illuminated to itself as finite as a function of how, in the momentary absence of an image, we tend toward infinity and/or our own nonexistence. After all, survival depends on movement and movement requires an image. Indeed, all matter is similarly dependent upon doing something to retain its form. The bottom line is that, not just the brain, but all matter consists of a vector of opposing tendencies toward and away from increasing disorder. And, accordingly the functional principles of the brain apply to all matter. Movement requires energy release and transfer such that that E = mc2 must be mediated by an image. With respect to the brain, we are binding zillions of qualia from all over the body into a single image the presence of which signifies the successful prevention of disorder and bodily dissipation. You’ve heard someone say that they just can’t seem to get it all together? This expression is a reference to how we are forever seeking an effective, immersive (energy-conserving) image.

Here is the logical proof. In the momentary absence of an image as anticipated through space and time there is an ongoing, very tiny expectancy gap to which our own weightless nonexistence is implicit – and against which the self sees itself as finite. If we look closely at the design of the brain we can see how, in the momentary absence of a finite image, the implicit infinitude of nonexistence rears its head entailing a very slight regressive tendency toward weightlessness. This regression sustains an ongoing if extremely small probabilistic disparity between one’s anticipated and actual mass — which, consistent with the cortico-limbic anticipatory design of the human brain, releases the energy needed for purposeful, image-mediated movement. It is in this manner that neuroscience confirms the  transcendent existence (and preexistence) of God. Indeed, cortico-limbic anatomy (as explained in other posts and my two books) leaves no doubt that God is the One “in whom live and move.” (It is just unfortunate that, by fiat, science proclaims there is no room in the inn for God.)

In addition to analyzing the general infinity-dependent anatomy of the human brain, my larger book, Journey to the Center of the Brain: Explaining Mind in a Universe of Matter, traces the actual pathways visual qualia travel deep into the energy-regulating core of the brain to show how, after merging with sensation from throughout the body, they are integrated into a composite image — the seeing of which, in accordance with the Laws of Physics Law, thwarts a dissipative outcome on the part of the total body mass. In a nutshell, this survival scheme reveal consciousness to be an extremely taut relationship between the finite and the infinite — mediated by habituation and other physiological neural events which enhance the efficiency of creating or sustaining a finite image. The big picture requires a biblically-defined, transcendent God who oversees the relationship between the finite and the infinite with the Universe being in effect His body — just as our bubble of awareness monitors the moments of the body.

A more recent book, Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain, is an easier, more philosophical read. Both books explain how consciousness is dependent upon infinity and God as encoded within neural design — and are accessible through the Homepage of this website.


About Glenn Dudley

GLENN DUDLEY became interested in the mind-body problem as a Pre-Med student at the University of Colorado where he emphasized studies in physics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1969. After a mixed Psychiatry/Medicine internship, he worked for two years at MIT's Neurosciences Research Program -- a think tank whose objective was that of understanding how the hard-wiring of the nervous system mediates thought and emotion. Then, he spent a year in the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School in Boston reviewing the world's literature on psychological and emotional predispositions to cancer. From 1975 to his retirement in 1998 he practiced primary care medicine.
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