Mind is a Relationship to the Infinite

God, you could say, is fundamental reality, the overseer apart from whom the relationship between the finite and the infinite – the very essence of an image – is meaningless. The relationship between the finite and the infinite defines the fundamentally subjective and probabilistic (faith-based) nature of reality. However predictable – thanks to the reliability of an unchanging God – the world out there is forever but an image – either in our minds or the mind of God. There is simply no such thing as a contrast between the finite and the infinite that is purely objective – except in our minds as a conceptual projection. This contrast defines the very nature of mind – even God himself since everything that exists falls into this contrasting paradigm.

God must then, just as the Bible teaches, be a Person whose existence is synonymous with creation – this being the only way that an interface between order and disorder (an image) can be expectantly maintained and stabilized. Those claiming this interface to be strictly objective must confess that they do not really exist.

It is logically impossible to reduce reality to some elemental type of matter since any such reality could theoretically be broken down into smaller units. The truth, as quantum physicists are discovering, is that fundamental reality requires an observer – whose expectations determine what, at the ultimate microscopic level, is observed.

Mind and thought are obviously related. But does this mean that thought is somehow extruded from the complex circuitry of trillions of neurons? It is true that the cerebral cortex is believed to be the place where thought originates – however, this is one of many misconceptions wrought by an evolutionary perspective. Given the nature of a biblically-defined God and the necessity of His immanence in the brain, “thought” can be aptly envisioned not as deriving from the machinations of the brain but as an expression of our relationship to God as encoded within the brain – not emergent from the physical brain per se but consciously experienced solely to the measure that the brain is the vehicle for sustaining an optimal probabilistic contrast with infinity and, thus, an optimal illumination of the self to itself as finite.

My recently published books amplifying these concepts — and substantiating them by the actual anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the brain — can be accessed through Amazon or HERE. The easiest read is a revised collection of these blog postings which I have title: Consciousness Finally Explained: A Perfect Synthesis of God and Brain. For those wanting a more in-depth analysis of how brain anatomy proves the existence of God, the earlier and much longer (778 page) book gets the job done — for readers who don’t mind an endless number of philosophical tangents, dabbling in quantum physics, and  discussions of how every major brain center (and some not so major) figure into a single, infinity-mediated, cortico-limbic strategy.

About Glenn Dudley

GLENN DUDLEY became interested in the mind-body problem as a Pre-Med student at the University of Colorado where he emphasized studies in physics, philosophy, and Judeo-Christian theology. He received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado in 1969. After a mixed Psychiatry/Medicine internship, he worked for two years at MIT's Neurosciences Research Program -- a think tank whose objective was that of understanding how the hard-wiring of the nervous system mediates thought and emotion. Then, he spent a year in the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts Medical School in Boston reviewing the world's literature on psychological and emotional predispositions to cancer. From 1975 to his retirement in 1998 he practiced primary care medicine.
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